One of my goals moving forward is to always operate from a position of natural advantages in day-to-day life. Operating from a position of strength confers the benefit of getting what you want in life efficiently. This opens up more energy and time for activities you enjoy or new experiences.
The biggest natural advantage in life is operating in environments where success is derived from attributes that are your natural strengths and behaviors. The ideal environment for a person varies depending on your preferences, cognitive function usage, familiarity and mental state.
Sustainable Authenticity
The biggest advantage socially is being around people who love the authentic behaviors of yourself that are sustainable to repeat and maintain. Authentic and sustainable behaviors leave you in a mental state that is both engaged and serene simultaneously.
This happens best when social mental loads are eliminated. Social mental loads are concurrent operational thoughts that cost mental resources to maintain and divert attention away from whatever you want to focus on.
Social Multiprocessing
Imagine maintaining multiple distinct conversations that require distinct thoughts and body language to assuage different audiences. This is one example of a social mental load. Other types of mental loads might be things like self-moderating yourself because someone might try to police your tone or use something you say against you. Social mental loads lead to social multiprocessing.
Social multiprocessing also occurs when you are trying to keep two or more people happy in the same conversation. Each conversation is running independently and consuming a fraction of your mind. Now this might be fine if you like both people in a group situation. But neither is getting the comprehensive experience that is you.
Social Multithreading
Now imagine an engaged one on one conversation with a person that understands you and vice versa. Keeping each other engaged rotates the same mental resources from one conversational topic to the next comprehensively. This is social multithreading.
Leveraging Social Advantages
Being yourself in environments where people like you authentically is the ultimate natural social advantage. Anyone else who tries to imitate you will expend more mental energy to resemble you.
The process of imitation requires both social multiprocessing and social multithreading. It reduces the efficiency exponentially for your imitators. Their mental energy is split between who they are and what they are pretending to be.
You are the most energy efficient version of yourself. Anyone who tries to replicate you is an inefficient version of you. The key to leveraging this natural advantage is to find people who like your most authentic self. Find people that tell you to be like yourself more. These are the people with whom you have relationship product market fit. This is what frees up energy and time for potential exponential happiness growth.
From a socializaiton perspective, exponential happiness growth comes from alignment in relationships that have signs of relationship product market fit. This happens best when social multiprocessing associated with unnecessary mental loads is minimized.
An example of the concept:
INTJ women are the most likely to dislike the same behaviors as I do. Even better, they often have lower tolerance levels for certain behaviors.
This alignment allows me to remove mental loads in group situations associated:
What makes this person annoying?
Why are we leaving a group or place?
How much longer do I need to stay?
This opens up energy and time ✨