INTJ Fund Friends: A Concierge Friendship Introduction Service
Curated and Facilitated Friendship Introductions for INTJ + ENTJ Women Leaders
I’m grateful for the friends I’ve made through the INTJ Fund community! Kenneth does a great job curating introductions based on interests and personalities. It’s incredible to be a part of a community of likeminded people who are rooting for you.
Emily Mack on INTJ Fund Friend Intros
Want to make quality friends? INTJ Fund is creating the best community for INTJ and ENTJ women to make professional friends. We want to facilitate the most compatible and fruitful professional friendships in the world.
Most tech networking events filter based off of some combination of economic value and social status. You meet more successful people as you grow. But there is no quality control in terms of personality at the gatherings you attend, the people just have more money.
Our differentiator at INTJ Fund is filtering for considerate and quality people focused on personal growth.
INTJ Fund Friends Process
The process begins with either meeting us in-person or our intake form which gathers information about a prospective community member. Prospective community members begin their relationship with us through a one one one onboarding. Here we learn about their preferences, interests and goals. We communicate community expectations and goals from our end as well.
INTJ Fund Purpose
We aim to improve the mental health and grow the wealth of our community members. The goal is for every community member to eventually become a LP in one of our funds. Either directly as a LP themselves or indirectly by working at an institutional investor (Fund of Funds or Endowment). We have a patient and long-term perspective in community building focused on compounding growth and minimizing downside variation in relationships.
Small Gatherings Focus
The core of our community building process is through personal introductions and small gatherings. We focus on small gatherings for two reasons:
Introverts tend to speak more often and openly in smaller high trust enviornments
Small gatherings are a competitive advantage
Environments with more people are likely to introduce a untrusted party from the perspective of the introverts in our community. This reduces conversational information transference efficiency. More importantly - large groups reduce the probability of professional friendship formation.
Introverts are more likely to give answers of different lengths to the same question. The answer received will vary based on the level of trust the person and the environment provides.
I asked introverts why their answers were so short relative to the extroverts. Some introverts told me it is because they give different answers depending on trust level.
An answer with a mean of two minutes might have a standard deviation of +/- 15 seconds or so. Extrovert answers resemble something similar to a normal curve. Answers to topics from introverts are more likely to resemble a multimodal distribution. There is an answer meant to end the conversation and then there are other answers depending on how much the speaker trusts the person asking the question.
Conceptually introvert answers look something more like this:
High Trust - Answer Duration = x
Medium Trust - Answer Duration = x/2
Low Trust - Answer Duration = x/100
Small gatherings represent a competitive advantage. We are experts in small gatherings. Established incumbents tend to focus on two categories of gatherings. Large gatherings with panels and mid-sized dinners. Small gatherings of three to five people are difficult for established players to focus on.
Small gatherings are optimal for our more introverted community members. We focus on small gatherings that facilitate high trust and deep conversations. This leads to more intellectually interesting conversations with less small talk. We’re creating curated environments for high achieving introverts that don’t exist. This will be our differentiator.
Friends First at INTJ Fund
Friends are more likely to provide unique and useful information in conversations due to higher relationship trust. Friends are more likely to be proactively supportive. Friendships are the highest value business relationship. It requires greater resources for the relationship to form but we believe in quality over quantity.
This is how the venture and startup world typically handles relationship facilitation.
Networking events - People meet in common physical space and bounce around
Double opt-in introductions - A request is made for an introduction. The recipient is asked if they are want to be introduced.
Double opt-in is the standard. It works best when the person doing the introduction between two parties has more social capital than both parties being introduced.
Here’s how INTJ Fund is different in handling relationship facillitation.
Facilitated First Conversations - We moderate the first conversation to make live introductions between introduced community members. This ensures everything goes smoothly and no miscommunication occurs.
Friendship Intro Opt-in / No requests - We make the best matches that we can if you want to opt-in at a cadence that our community members tell us they want. No requests.
Facilitated first conversations are a time intensive process for us. If it’s not worth our time to be on the first conversation to make sure a friendship forms, we won’t make an introduction at all. This ensures alignment between us and our community members. Time, effort and mental energy will be expended from our end to deliver the best experience. We’re just as invested as you are to the time being committed to meet people.
INTJ Fund Friends Composition
The INTJ Fund Friends network is composed of INTJ and ENTJ women founders, investors, engineers and therapists. Additionally, we welcome all people who are interested in helping xNTJ women achieve ambitious visions by either improving their mental health or investing in their companies.
Two groups of people are actively sought that are not xNTJ women for the friends initiative. One is therapists and counselors whose purpose is to facilitate a high trust environment. The other is people who are interested in investing in INTJ and ENTJ women led companies at any stage.
Read about our community here:
Or fill out our intake form here. Our intake form is used to collect psychographic data with the purpose of making compatible introductions. We also use it to anticipate potential points of miscommunication which we communicate early on to ensure smooth friendship formation and to minimize interpersonal conflict. Our team will follow up with everyone one by one for a onboarding conversation so we can learn about your friendship preferences in greater detail.